From March 16-23, members of the Timber Framers Guild will gather in Monroe, Washington, to build a park pavilion for Flowing Lake Park in Snohomish County. Our team will work at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds and the Flowing Lake Park & Campground located approximately 15 minutes north of Monroe.
Flowing Lake Park has an existing pavilion structure that is in poor repair and in need of replacement. Snohomish County has been a great partner for the Guild on previous builds and we are returning to cut this octagonal open-sided pavilion with monitor roof. The structure is designed by Jim DeSantis of Silver Creek Timberworks, who built it previously and has kindly donated the design for our use.
The structure is octagonal with a hipped roof with a large central boss pin, supporting a monitor or lantern roof at the top. Joinery will be a mix of traditional and contemporary connections. Timbers are rough sawn Douglas fir.
The design of the frame provides opportunities for learning in areas such as square rule and scribe rule layout, compound roof joinery for hips and jacks, and of course the octagonal plan layout with five-sided posts.
For this project, we have the use of the excellent facilities at Evergreen State Fairgrounds. The fabrication area will be all under roof in a large barn. Accommodation will be camping inside one of the barns at the fairgrounds with showers and washrooms provided. Three square meals a day plus snacks and endless coffee will be provided.
The event runs for eight days, from Sunday, March 16, through Sunday, March 23.
The Guild seeks three (3) instructors to lead the project. One instructor will serve as lead instructor. All positions are compensated reasonably. Applications for instructor positions will be accepted via email. Please submit all inquiries and applications to TFG's Community Building Projects Program Director Steve Lawrence and Communications Director Allison Aurand. You can find all requirements and job description HERE.
The deadline for instructor applications is January 24.
Please note that instructors must have commercial general liability insurance. Please provide proof of insurance with your application.
We look forward to welcoming volunteers to this event. Volunteer positions are not compensated, but you can expect the traditional TFG XC (exuberant camaraderie) and very rich and rewarding educational experience.
Participants will perform hands-on timber frame layout cutting and raising under the direction of the instructor team. This project will be suitable for those with reasonable levels of fitness and basic hand/power tool skills. There will be limited novice positions available since we need to ensure a balance of skills on the team
You must be a Guild member to participate! (Join the Guild HERE.) If that presents a challenge for you, please talk to us - we can work something out and want to be inclusive.
Please note that volunteer applications do not guarantee acceptance. We may have more applications than positions, so please do not make travel arrangements until you've received notification of acceptance. Please get in touch if you have not heard from us and need to know for planning.
The deadline for volunteer applications is Sunday, February 2.
We will endeavor to confirm your acceptance ASAP and hopefully well before the deadline for applications. If you have questions, please contact Community Building Projects Program Director Steve Lawrence and Communications Director Allison Aurand.
Camp Cook
The Guild seeks a chef to provide meals for the instructors and volunteers for the duration of the project. this important role is well-compensated and we hope to negotiate a suitable agreement. We hope to find a person or people who would take on the catering role in a camp cook style, producing wholesome and hearty meals, snacks, and beverages. This could be a fun way to get involved in the project for non-timber framing friends or family.
Meal service will start with dinner on Saturday, March 14, and end with lunch on Sunday, March 23. Kitchen facilities are available at the fairgrounds for our camp cook to use. Interested parties should contact Community Building Projects Program Director Steve Lawrence and Communications Director Allison Aurand.
This event has reached total occupancy.
Join the waitlist and we'll email you if a spot opens up.
Click on a photo to enlarge.