From July 16-20, members of the Timber Framers Guild will gather in Cobble Hill, British Columbia, on Vancouver Island, for the construction of the Evergreen Independent School's Playful Places project. When completed, the project will embed accessibility through a playful space that will meet the needs of all students and community members, and facilitate inclusion in a whole new way.
Together with the Cobble Hill Community Pavilion, which is also fully accessible, this new space will provide a versatile, inclusive space for arts, culture, and recreation in Cobble Hill and the surrounding communities. This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Enabling Accessibility Fund and the Evergreen Independent School Society.
The structure is essentially an accessibility ramp, adhering to the guidelines set out in the BC building code. We are incorporating two parallel cord truss bridges, a play area, and the treehouse. The scope includes calculating the lengths of approximately 30 posts and anchoring them. Joinery will be a mix of traditional and contemporary connections, and we will be using timbers of rough-sawn Douglas fir.
The design of the frame offers many learning opportunities, including square rule and edge rule layout, work with parallel chord bridge trusses, site layout experience, hand and telehandler raising, and working in close proximity to trees on an already-developed site.
This event runs from July 16 through July 20.
The Guild seeks five (5) instructors for this project. One of these five will serve as lead instructor alongside Project Manager Chris Koehn. All positions are compensated reasonably. Applications for instructor positions will be accepted via email; please submit all inquiries and applications to Community Building Projects Program Director Steve Lawrence and Communications Director Allison Aurand. You can find all requirements and job descriptions for the instructor positions here:
We encourage applications from rookie instructors! This will be a great opportunity to work with a team to lead an educational experience for our members and cover the wide range of elements that come up in every Guild Community Building Project.
The deadline for instructor applications is May 15, 2024.
We have positions for 25 volunteers - these positions are not compensated, but you can expect the traditional TFG XC (exuberant camaraderie) and an unusually rewarding experience working with the school community to create a unique play space for local children.
Participants will perform hands-on timber frame layout, cutting, and raising under the guidance of a great team of instructors. You'll have the opportunity to work in close proximity to trees, learn more about site layout, fabricate basic parallel cord bridge trusses, and much more. The project will be suitable for those with basic hand and power tool skills, and we encourage newcomers to come try their hand as well as experienced timber framers.
We also welcome families for this event! If you are ever going to bring your family to a Guild event, this is the one! There is a lot to do and see in the Cobble Hill area, from mountain biking to whale watching to winery tours. The nearby lake offers summer swimming or grab a kayak if you'd rather be on the water than in it. We encourage a visit to the Kinsol Trestle as well as the Malahat SkyWalk. Please be aware that food service for families will be available at additional cost. Please indicate in the notes field how many family members you expect to join you for this event.
You must be a Guild member to participate! You can join the Guild HERE. If this presents a barrier to your participation, please contact us at We will work with you to make sure you can be involved in this amazing project!
Please note that volunteer applications do not guarantee acceptance. We may have more applications than positions, so please do not make travel arrangements until you've received notification of acceptance.
The deadline for volunteer applications is June 15, 2024.
We will endeavor to confirm your acceptance as soon as possible, and hopefully well before the deadline for applications. If you have any questions, please contact Community Building Projects Program Director Steve Lawrence and Communications Director Allison Aurand.
Registration has concluded on Jun 15, 2024.