The Timber Framers Guild returned to Alabama this spring for another Community Building Project at Ekvn-Yefolecv (ee-gun yee-full-lee-juh) with the Maskoke People. We will join with the ecovillage to build the Nok-cvpe Hvoke Em Vpette (Nok-chuh-bee Hoe-ghee Em-uh-bee-tee), which translates to “sturgeon shade.”
Ekvn-Yefolecv (ee-gun yee-full-lee-juh) is an emerging off-grid, income-sharing ecovillage community of Indigenous Maskoke People who, after 180 years of having been displaced from traditional homelands, have returned for language and cultural revitalization, regenerative agriculture, ecological restoration, and natural building. You can learn more about the ecovillage HERE.
Through Ekvn-Yefolecv's aquaculture facility, residents of the ecovillage have been reintroducing the endangered Nok-cvpe Hvoke (lake sturgeon), back into the Coosa watershed, from which it was extirpated in the 1950s. This TFG project serves to expand the facility in order to host several additional populations of critically endangered sturgeon species.
About the Project
The building is an open-sided barn frame with 5 bents and approximately 5,750 sq ft. It will cover six large tanks for aquaculture. The timbers are a mix of oak and pine with round log rafters and posts, and will require some hewing. Layout will be a mix of scribe and square rule. Logs are being harvested on the land now and milling will start soon.
Registration has concluded on Apr 20, 2023.