TFG Events & Workshops

TFG Craft of Business Summit Series: Servant Leadership & Managing Ourselves with ZingTrain

Strong leadership and innovative management practices have been key to Zingerman’s success. In an era of increased competition and a tighter labor market, a positive company culture and identity, together with an inspiring vision for the future, can have an enormous impact on customer and staff loyalty -- and it’s the leader who creates the culture. In this workshop, we will share Zingerman’s management philosophies, based on the concepts of Servant Leadership, a management approach that focuses on the leader’s role in serving the organization as a whole. We will also share key tools and tips for Managing Ourselves, premised on the idea that being able to manage and modify your impact as a leader is all but guaranteed to yield more productive, effective work. Filled with real life stories and practical information you can apply in your every day life, this workshop will leave you energized and inspired to focus on yourself as the next step to taking your business to the next level.

Session objectives: by the end of this session, participants will be able to:
1. Explore the management philosophy that has been successful at Zingerman’s.
2. Use new skills and knowledge to improve their bottom-line performance as managers and leaders.
3. Practice using new skills and concepts in a safe environment.
4. Reinforce their network of peers to help get past roadblocks.

Day 1
1 PM       Welcome, Introductions, Overview
               Brief Zingerman’s History and Vision
               Zingerman’s Approach to Servant Leadership
                    • Provide Vision
                    • Give Great Service to Staff and to Each Other
                    • Manage in an Ethical Manner
                    • Learn and Teach
                    • Help Staff Succeed by Living the Training Compact
                    • Say Thanks
               Exercise: Drafting a Vision of Greatness (optional)
5 PM       Homework & Adjourn

Day 2
8 AM        Welcome back, Homework review
                Mindfulness in Management : Tips for Managing Ourselves
                     1. Get to Know Yourself
                     2. Honor Your Emotions
                     3. It All Starts with Self Respect
                     4. Skillfully Schedule Time and Resources
                     5. Manage Your Energy
                  Final Reflection & Debrief
12 PM        Adjourn


Cost: We are thrilled to be able to offer these summits at a fraction of the normal cost to attend a ZingTrain Event

TFG Company Member: $525.00

TFG Member: $625.00

Non-TFG member: $675.00

  • BUY  2, GET 25% OFF THE 3RD SEAT


The program runs from 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm on the first day, and 8:00 am - 12:00 pm on the second day, allowing for morning travel to the event and afternoon travel home with an evening of optional networking. 

Hotel Rooms are not included with your registration. 

Event Details

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