Fox Maple

Fox Maple was founded in 1975, at a time when the timber framing revival was just beginning to take root. Our motivation to begin building new timber frames grew from our desire to fully understand the nature of this ancient building system. In 1983 Fox Maple expanded its reach beyond the building of timber frames strictly for discerning clients, to include education through Fox Maple School, and the dissemination of information through Fox Maple Press. To this day these three distinct aspects of Fox Maple remain linked through their dedication to the high goals set back in 1975.
This may best be conveyed in what has become known to our many students over the years as our mantra, "perfection & grace puts a smile on your face", and to our guiding belief that quality far surpasses quantity.—Vive Jean Claude!


Fox Maple Press
PO Box 249, 65 Corn Hill Rd
Brownfield, ME 04010

Elevating the design of timber structures
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