TFG Blog

Heartwood 2020: Timber Framing Intensive, July 7

On this day, in the classroom, the students learned about layout techniques including square rule which this class (and all Heartwood classes) will use to lay out the rough sawn timber.

The students then laid out the wall posts and plates in the afternoon before Will demonstrated how to use the boring machine and clean out the mortises.

As anticipated, the students, chefs, and instructor took all the new safety protocols in stride, particularly the masks, social distancing, and persistent sanitizing with bleach and alcohol. The daily temperature check and symptom checklist have proven to be easily overlooked, but the students are supportive of the process and anxious to support the protocols which have allowed us to safely open. You can find these protocols HERE.

Join us at the Heartwood School this summer - we have some openings in August and September! Contact for more information.

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This blog article has been viewed 69 times.
Posted Jul 10, 2020 3:57 PM PST. Edited on Jul 16, 2020 9:16

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