Brad Morse

Directors at Large


Brad Morse

I’m from the Berkshire region of western Massachusetts.  I grew up in the world of construction—my father was an architect and a contractor, my mother a realtor, and I was surrounded by workers and tools, and houses needing work. I even grew up in a barn (no timbers though)!

I first learned about timber framing in 1999, and, as I tend to do, I threw myself into reading and learning as much as I could about this new/old way of building. I joined the TFG, and attended my first conference at Asilomar in 2001, where I was exposed to the incredible timber work of Japan. 

While working as a carpenter, I bought an old Dutch-style timber frame house in Becket, MA. I was accepted to the Heartwood School apprenticeship in 2004, and participated in several of the TFG’s community projects over the next few years. 

I now have a small company, Uncarved Block, that specializes in designing and building great spaces. I have five employees, and a big part of that responsibility is keeping them engaged and learning new skills. I continue to teach at the Heartwood School, and all of my employees attend workshops there. Many TFG members are excited about this new acquisition, and I too think there all sorts of great opportunities to expand Heartwood—around the country, at TFG projects, and to train the next generation of timber framers.

In 2011, I joined up with the new TFG apprenticeship program as a journeyman timber framer. This is a program that the Guild had been working on for a long time, and I am a big supporter. The program was paused for a bit while the TFG was in transition, but I’m excited to be a part of the new apprenticeship program.

I am a member of the TFG Companies Committee, which is devoted to serving the business members of the TFG. In the past few years, we have greatly expanded the number of company memberships, designed and offered several workshops around the country, and started multiple peer-to-peer business groups.


What can I bring to the TFG’s Board of Directors? 

First, a real passion for timber framing—the craft (that sound of a sharp chisel paring through wood!), the design, the people, and putting it all together into building something bigger than we are individually.

Second, leadership experience as a business owner. That position sometimes requires making hard decisions. 

Third, I have some ideas about connecting our collective timber framing knowledge and content (TF journal especially) with social media. I’d like to make the Guild THE source for timber framing information. 

And lastly, it’s important to note that I am, and always have been, a big believer in the TFG. I truly believe that we can accomplish great things together.

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