This award-winning hardcover First Edition has 368 pages and over 900 four-color photos, along with hundreds of drawings and illustrations detailing an enormous variety of specific joinery details.
Starting with a comprehensive history of medieval hip and valley roof systems, to detailed descriptions about how to design even the most intricate compound joinery detail, Advanced Timber Framing opens a broad doorway to both the professional builder and novice alike to expand their creativity. Chappell presents a complete and comprehensive geometric and mathematical system in this work - one that can be used to design virtually any conceivable arrangement of complex structural members that one may ever face.
Slava D from Campobello, SC
This is a very good book on timber framing roofs with various advanced geometry building methods. I have a few books by Steve Chappell they are just loaded with very good information with formulas for calculating spans and other engineering details that are hard to find in other books on timber frmaing especially if you DIY. If you were to only have a few books I would start with Steve Chappell books on timberframing. A must have for new framers is ( A timber framers workshop )