
Guild-Sponsored Books

Design Considerations for Mortise and Tenon Connections

Design Considerations for Mortise and Tenon Connections

"The Joint Report" Here's your chance to buy what is affectionately referred to as The Joint Report, the newest report by Dick...

Design Guide for Timber Trusses (TFEC DG 1)

Design Guide for Timber Trusses (TFEC DG 1)

In this new version of the Guide, readers will find expanded treatment of historical development of trusses and common truss forms, and enhanced discussion of analysis considerations and joinery and connection design.

Fourteen Small Timber Frames

Fourteen Small Timber Frames

Fourteen Small Timber Frames: Timber frame designs by Guild members. Edited and graphics by Mike Beganyi. This is a collection...
$18.00out of stock

Historic American Roof Trusses

Historic American Roof Trusses

Invaluable reference for timber framers, designers, preservationists, architects, and engineers Historic American Roof Trusses is a compilation of six articles that...

Historic American Timber Joinery

Historic American Timber Joinery

Historic American Timber Joinery: A Graphic Guide by Jack Sobon Revised edition, 2014, perfect bound, 67 pages including numerous drawings and...

Safe Work Practices

Safe Work Practices

Safe Work Practices, just published by the Timber Framers Guild, explains Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards specific to...

Timber Framing Fundamentals

Timber Framing Fundamentals

The definitive source, from decades of experience, by 28 experts. Published by the Timber Framers Guild. Ken Rower, editor.
$40.00out of stock

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