TIMBER FRAMING 120 (June 2016)

TIMBER FRAMING 120 (June 2016)

Books: Wooden Bridges, Jan Lewandoski. Design for Longevity. Glimpses of Belgian Framing. California's Cowell Lime Works Barn. Cover for a Bridge in Wyoming. Qualifying Client Inquiries. Dogleg Framing. Conference Slide Show II

10.05 MB. Published on Jun 6, 2016.



TIMBER FRAMING, the quarterly journal of the Timber Framers Guild, contains in-depth articles on timber framing history, technology, theory, practice, design, and engineering, as well as the work of the Guild and its members. It is a member benefit, but we welcome subscriptions by non-members. To subscribe, visit our online store.

Index to Timber Framing 1-146

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