TFG Blog

3rd Timber Framers Gathering of Australia in the Grampians, VIC 27/28th October 2018

By Isabelle Harwood, Timber Frames of Australia


The weekend started early on Saturday morning with a nice brew of coffee, tea and some yummy food surrounded by some beautiful scenery and a rather cold spring morning.


There was Josh who set up his leather craft, traditional tanning and willing to share his collective global knowledge on this craft.  He was amazing with the little people, so passionate and patient when showing them and working with them on little projects. And for timber framers Josh makes sheaths for chisels and other tools.  His craftsmanship is amazing and of very high quality.


Next we were introduced to Heath who is a very passionate timber miller in the area.  He showed us his Lucas mill and what he can do with it.  For us timber framers, it is always valuable to know that we can get curved timbers for specific projects and Heath can cut them.  What astounded us all was Heath’s vast knowledge on timbers and their properties, how they reacted in certain situations and what to look for in our vast array of Australian species of timbers.


Timber Frames of Australia then invited everyone to help set up the Moat Perrier they brought along and all the kids (small and large) eyes’ lit up with glee.  So off to the paddock we drove with a trailer load of timbers and people to set up the siege engine and stack the cabbages.  During three separate shooting sessions we soon found that cabbages are not as entertaining as watermelons, but still a lot of fun.


As timber framers we gathered and shared ideas, projects we worked on and questions we always wanted to ask about a particular aspect of the timber, joinery or business. 


Before long the days drew to a close with darkness emerging, the fire being lit and the liquids of all sorts flowing.  The BBQ was running hot with many delicious meals being cooked and soon the conversations turned to travel, life in general and many other topics.  Instruments were pulled from their bags and the atmosphere around the fire changed and lasted until the wee hours of the morning – for some that is.


Whilst we were having fun amongst us, another group of people were busy crafting a bridge for the caravan park during a 10-day Fox Maple training workshop.


On Sunday a group of us Timber Framers made some real plans for the next Gathering in October 2019.  We worked out the many ideas that will make this event more attractive, not only to timber framer minded people but also to the general public. 


So keep it in your mind – October 2019 will see an even bigger event with many interesting stalls and maybe even the odd raising of a frame.


Till then – happy framing to everyone.


This blog article has been viewed 252 times.
Posted Nov 16, 2018 4:41 PM PST. report

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