TFG Blog

Heartwood 2020: Timber Framing Intensive, July 9

Morning class introduced basic building math (such as timber take-off and board feet calculations), rough framing layout, roof pitch, rafter layout as well as basic drawing techniques. Toren Johnson, only recently graduated from secondary education, demonstrated the layout of a hexagon using a “daisy wheel.”

The afternoon warmed steadily into the low 90s and the students were glad for the tents. We have conducted all of the training - both “classroom” and “shop” - outside under the canopies. Somehow, doing so has actually enhanced the learning experience as the work seems less like work when conducted outside - the voices are complemented by bird songs, occasional vehicles coming up the gravel road, and the rustling of the trees.

The size of the class has lent itself into this start-up. We are all learning how to more effectively implement the protocols which are changing to adjust for the reality of the training and work. The lunch routine with Juliana and Kendra has been implemented without a hitch, and the meals have far surpassed anyone's expectations - French dip, pulled pork sandwiches, home-made deep-dish pizza, fresh-out-of-the-garden salads, and robust minestrone soup, not to mention chocolate chip cookies, chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies, and blueberry cobbler. The vegetarian alternatives have been impressive, and the fruit available for snacking throughout the day has almost made dinner a non-issue - at least for this writer.




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This blog article has been viewed 98 times.
Posted Jul 15, 2020 6:05 PM PST. Edited on Jul 16, 2020 9:19

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