TFG Blog

Brand Camp Re-Cap

by Jeff Arvin

TFGBS Aville-22.jpgNearly 75 Guild members participated in the recent Craft of Business Summits focused on branding--three summits; three cities; all well attended.

Mitch Antony of Clarity First, led the three “DIY Brand Camps,” in which participants sought to find clarity about what they offer, with the goal of taking control of their professional lives and fashioning communication that will result in more of the work they are most excited about.   Folks dug deep, and came away with a powerful understanding that branding is far more than packaging.  Instead, it is a “stake in the ground”—your promise of how you serve your customers.

While the classroom time was powerful, perhaps the “homework assignment” is even more enlightening. Participants were tasked with interviewing past customers and reflecting on the information. After all, as Mitch says, “Your brand is what your customers say it is,” and your challenge is to influence what your customers think!

The best part, however, is that in the weeks and months since the meetings, at follow-up webinars, folks committed to continuing in semi-formal learning groups, to share experiences and work through the challenges of strategically implementing what they have learned, and to continue the work of creating a better future for themselves and well as more value for their customers.

Getting together as timber frame business and industry leaders is invaluable like the formative days of the TFG members come together to share and learn, and collectively build our community. This is vintage TFG--sharing knowledge to create new knowledge. We teach ourselves by learning from others.

In the spirit of life-long learning, I look forward to 2018 Craft of Business Summits, and hope even more TFG members will participate!

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This blog article has been viewed 42 times.
Posted Feb 16, 2018 2:55 PM PST. Edited on Feb 21, 2018 2:27

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