The next morning broke on a glorious day, though the sun had to get high before its warmth was sufficient to overcome the chill of the night before. Breakfast was a little delayed as our hosts dealt with the challenges of transporting the food and all the cooking needs to the work site where the meals were prepared.
After breakfast and some essential hot beverages, our hosts assembled us to ask for blessings from above and shared their story with the participants as well as performing a song. After the song, we were introduced to the smudge, a cleansing with the smoke of incense cedar burned in a pan that each of us washed over ourselves one at a time. The purpose of the smudge is to purify the spirit and to focus the mind on the work of the day. I found it to be effective and moving, as did many others.
The lead team, in preparation for the workshop, had assigned timber fabrication responsibilities and organized the participants into teams balanced with novice and experienced timber framers. As the day warmed and the work began, those of us who were still chilled were gradually relieved. There were high spirits and positive energy, as the participants engaged in the timber preparation and layout work. Workshops always seem to start slowly as participants get to know each other and get familiar with the plans and the timbers to cut. This workshop is no exception to that rule, and with eight instructors and over forty volunteers, we had a large crew to get the momentum started.
Below: John Morgan, from Louisville, Kentucky, removing wane to prepare the timber for layout.
Al Wallace, former Guild director, joining us to get his timber frame booster shot of inspiration.
Joe Davino, from MoreSun Woodworking, built the compression ring for the roundhouse in his shop, and he is observing the lead team in order to learn about how we manage workshops.
Rene Allen, a self-described timber frame workshop junkie, participating in her third workshop of 2019. She was at both Lake Roesiger and Sunrise Mill Community Building Workshops.
Arnaud Le Rouzic, a compagnon and currently an instructor at the American College of the Building Arts (ACBA), has joined us for this workshop along with two students from the ACBA. We hope to start a trend of greater cross-pollination between the Guild and ACBA.
Will Denton, our Workshop Manager, providing direction to the inimitable Bill Sturm, instructor, and Adam Miller, woodworker extraordinaire and co-editor of Timber Framing.
Stephen Kuplack prepping a timber for use.
Mike Yaker stepping up to demonstrate layout techniques to Peter Bull and Greg King, first-time participants in a Guild workshop.
Every workshop is an opportunity for old friends and colleagues to reconnect. Here instructor Joe Miller and Chris Newman spend a few moments catching up.
Tom Hargo, Ekvn-Yefolecv construction manager, and Kurt Rosenberger discuss the work at hand.
Mike Jones and Jamie Ehlers determine how to best orient the timber for a rafter layout.
Jon Sargent and instructor Kyle Murphy discuss the use of a sliding protractor for roof layout.
Gene Gift and Brad Williams, both first-time participants, find a moment to become acquainted.
Craig Pariso of P&C Transport (one of our workshop sponsors), Drew Scheneman, and Wynn Payne, all first-time participants (though not all inexperienced timber framers) settling on rafter layout.
More than 50% of the participants are experienced timber framers inspired to participates by our clients of the Ekvn-Yefolecv Ecovillage. It was clear even on day one that we had the horses to complete this week early - assuming the weather holds.
Kurt Rosenberger (foreground) and Andy Williams reading the prints.
Menewa Starr, member of the Ecovillage, removing bark from the log to be converted to a round post.
Fran Makarewicz attacking some particularly recalcitrant bark.
Instructor Bill Sturm provides support on Fran's task.
Adam Miller creating a clean surface for post layout.
Veteran Mike Yaker works with first-time, but experienced, Meghan Williamson on headers.
Neil Reeder in discussion with community construction manager Tom Harjo.
Above, first father and daughter participants that I am aware of: Julie Hildebrand, third-time participant (Clearwater and Lake Roesiger) bringing father Don Hildebrand down from Perth, Ontario. How fun is that? Now, let's find our first mother and son participants!
Jamie Ehlers intent on layout, below.
Andy Williams (right) and Kurt Rosenberger laying out the outer ring timbers, in this case a girt (wall purlin).
George Morrison, another of our experienced timber framers, also working on the outer ring timbers.
Below, assistant workshop manager and frame designer Joe Miller, providing some specific guidance to the team responsible for cutting the lower roof timbers. From left to right, it's Julie, Michael Aronoff, community member Ahvlak Harjo (no relation to Tom), and Joe. That's instructor Sal Wilson with his back to the camera.
Ahvlak, Joe, and Sal.
Todd Herzog and Mary Speer preparing an outer ring timber for layout. Todd and Mary are fresh off the Sunrise Mill workshop in Schwenksville, Pennsylvania.
One of the two students joining Arnaud from ACBA, using a more aggressive bark remover.
Will Denton, Arnaud, and John Morgan aligning the inner ring header timbers which will be joined by fully threaded screws donated by Will Leverett of Log & Timber Connections.
John Morgan set the screws as Will and Arnaud align them.
As Al works on another inner ring header and the shadows lengthen, the sun and wind have dried the work surface, making it almost comfortable.
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Nov 4, 2019 4:02 PM PST.
Edited on Dec 1, 2019 4:19